Product Description
According to one estimate, 25% of the U. S. population has heavy metal toxicity. Renowned medical journalist Dr. Morton Walker goes on to say, “…each person living in the western industrialized countries today is known to be at least a thousand times more polluted with toxic metals and/or heavy metals than was anyone who lived 2,000 years ago.”
The test is CONFIDENTIAL. The collection instructions and the results will be mailed to you. We will provide instructions on how to detoxify your body if heavy metal toxicity is present.
The common diseases associated with heavy metal toxicity include allergies, insomnia, fatigue and depression. Where do heavy metals come from? Sources of lead are pesticides, cooking utensils, tin cans and cigarette smoke. Mercury can be found in dental fillings, fish, and cosmetics. Aluminum is found in antacids and cookware. Our air, food and water often contain heavy metals.
The benefit of this test is that it is inexpensive and fast, and can show the presence of a heavy metal burden. It is also quite easily administered. You can find a sample report, here.
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